RAT Removal Services & rodent Control in SPICEWOOD, TEXAS
RAT inspection IN sPICEWOOD, tx
CEN-TEX WILDLIFE CONTROL Specializes in the EXTERMINATION and exclusion of RATS & MICE from all structure types, no matter the shape or size when it comes to Rats we've got you covered. Not only do We remove the Rats.
We offer cleaning services that are specially tailored to tackle the mess created by rodents such as rats and mice. As we all know, Austin is known for its high rat population, with roof rats being the most common. However, we are well-equipped to handle Norway rats and mice as well, which can create issues throughout the year.
Welcome to Cen-Tex Rat Removal Services! We specialize in providing professional rat removal solutions, including structural rat exclusions, odor remediation, rat dropping cleanup and removal, deodorization and disinfection, as well as insulation removal and replacement. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that your rat infestation problems are resolved quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.
About The Roof Rat
The roof rat is dark brown to black in color and measures 13 to 18 inches in length including the tail. They weigh 5-9 ounces, are slender, and their ears are large and nearly hairless. Their droppings are long and cylindrical. Nesting Requirements Roof rats nest outside in trees, woodpiles, debris, and in dense vegetation. Inside, roof rats prefer to nest in the upper levels of a building in the attic and ceiling.
Food Preferences Roof rats are omnivores but tend to have more vegetarian preferences. Typical food is fresh fruit, plant material, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and even tree bark.
Medical ImportanceRats can spread disease. Sometimes they transmit the disease directly by contaminating food with their urine or feces or by biting people. Indirectly, they transmit by infecting as when fleas bite a disease-infected rat, then a person or other animal.
Potential damage burrows can cause structural damage by undermining the foundations of buildings, roads, and walkways can cause damage by gnawing, damaging plastic and lead pipes, door frames, upholstery, and electric wires, and can cause damage through the destruction and contamination of stored foods
Common signs of roof rat activityVisual sightings on power lines, trees, bushes, patios, roofs, etc. Hollowed citrus and other fruit-dropping noises in the attic and wall gnawing sounds and gnaw marks around roof eavesDamage to plastics and coverings on electrical wiresUnsettled pets Places roof rats have been found they have been found in swimming pools, laundry rooms, attics, garages, and patios. Roof rats spend 90 percent of their life 4 feet or more off the ground.
Roof rat traveling patterns Roof rats are strongly arboreal (tree inhabitants) and travel along power lines to trees, oleanders, vines, and roofs. They can climb up a brick, concrete blocks, and other rough surfaces. They can jump 2 feet up and 4 feet horizontally (double the horizontal distance if they are jumping from a height). Ground covers and compost bins also provide safe travel routes and nests. During twilight and nighttime hours, within a territory 200 to 300 feet from their daytime nesting locations.
Roof rats can enter homes, sheds, garages, and other structures in Spicewood, TX through openings bigger than a nickel. They do this to find safe places to hide from predators and look for good spots to build nests. They sometimes follow pipes down from the attic or gnaw through drywall to gain access. They can chew through wood, plastic, aluminum siding, sheet rock, and soft metals to get inside. Attics are particularly appealing to them as they provide a safe haven for their young and a way to enter the home below. What roof rats eat and drink they love to eat all types of citrus and other fruits, and nuts, including LemonsLimesGrapefruitsOranges (including ornamental oranges)TangelosTangerinesFigsPomegranatesPalm fruit, including Queen Palm fruit, especially in summer when citrus is not availableNectarinesPeachesAll nut fruits like walnuts, almonds, and pecansRats do not have a discerning taste for fruit like humansFruit can be green (unripe) or even rotten rats eat fruit more for their water content than for food sustenance
Some of the things they might eat include birdseed (whether in feeders or stored in bags), dog and cat food (especially if left outside at night), stored grains and vegetables from your garden, insects, lizards, tree bark, soap, paper, animal and taxidermy hides, beeswax, and candle wax. There are various sources of water, including leaky faucets, sprinklers, and irrigation boxes. Additionally, bird bathwater, fountains, ornamental ponds, irrigation lines, and air conditioner condensation drip lines can also serve as sources of water. Saucers under potted plants and pet water dishes should also be considered. It is important to note that some animals may chew through metal and plastic pipes to access water.
The roof rat is dark brown to black in color and measures 13 to 18 inches in length including the tail. They weigh 5-9 ounces, are slender, and their ears are large and nearly hairless. Their droppings are long and cylindrical. Nesting Requirements Roof rats nest outside in trees, woodpiles, debris, and in dense vegetation. Inside, roof rats prefer to nest in the upper levels of a building in the attic and ceiling.
Food Preferences Roof rats are omnivores but tend to have more vegetarian preferences. Typical food is fresh fruit, plant material, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and even tree bark.
Medical ImportanceRats can spread disease. Sometimes they transmit the disease directly by contaminating food with their urine or feces or by biting people. Indirectly, they transmit by infecting as when fleas bite a disease-infected rat, then a person or other animal.
Potential damage burrows can cause structural damage by undermining the foundations of buildings, roads, and walkways can cause damage by gnawing, damaging plastic and lead pipes, door frames, upholstery, and electric wires, and can cause damage through the destruction and contamination of stored foods
Common signs of roof rat activityVisual sightings on power lines, trees, bushes, patios, roofs, etc. Hollowed citrus and other fruit-dropping noises in the attic and wall gnawing sounds and gnaw marks around roof eavesDamage to plastics and coverings on electrical wiresUnsettled pets Places roof rats have been found they have been found in swimming pools, laundry rooms, attics, garages, and patios. Roof rats spend 90 percent of their life 4 feet or more off the ground.
Roof rat traveling patterns Roof rats are strongly arboreal (tree inhabitants) and travel along power lines to trees, oleanders, vines, and roofs. They can climb up a brick, concrete blocks, and other rough surfaces. They can jump 2 feet up and 4 feet horizontally (double the horizontal distance if they are jumping from a height). Ground covers and compost bins also provide safe travel routes and nests. During twilight and nighttime hours, within a territory 200 to 300 feet from their daytime nesting locations.
Roof rats can enter homes, sheds, garages, and other structures in Spicewood, TX through openings bigger than a nickel. They do this to find safe places to hide from predators and look for good spots to build nests. They sometimes follow pipes down from the attic or gnaw through drywall to gain access. They can chew through wood, plastic, aluminum siding, sheet rock, and soft metals to get inside. Attics are particularly appealing to them as they provide a safe haven for their young and a way to enter the home below. What roof rats eat and drink they love to eat all types of citrus and other fruits, and nuts, including LemonsLimesGrapefruitsOranges (including ornamental oranges)TangelosTangerinesFigsPomegranatesPalm fruit, including Queen Palm fruit, especially in summer when citrus is not availableNectarinesPeachesAll nut fruits like walnuts, almonds, and pecansRats do not have a discerning taste for fruit like humansFruit can be green (unripe) or even rotten rats eat fruit more for their water content than for food sustenance
Some of the things they might eat include birdseed (whether in feeders or stored in bags), dog and cat food (especially if left outside at night), stored grains and vegetables from your garden, insects, lizards, tree bark, soap, paper, animal and taxidermy hides, beeswax, and candle wax. There are various sources of water, including leaky faucets, sprinklers, and irrigation boxes. Additionally, bird bathwater, fountains, ornamental ponds, irrigation lines, and air conditioner condensation drip lines can also serve as sources of water. Saucers under potted plants and pet water dishes should also be considered. It is important to note that some animals may chew through metal and plastic pipes to access water.
rodent services IN SPICEWOOD, TX
"Serving All of Central Texas"
Centex Wildlife Control is an Austin-based business specializing in permanent Rat Removal. We "get rats out & we keep them out" Guaranteed. We remove unwanted Rats and perform professional "Exclusions". These exclusions are "guaranteed" to keep rats "out". For our customer's security, Centex Wildlife Control provides Warranties on our repair work upon exclusion completion. (In some extreme cases, warranties may not be provided)
It is highly recommended to steer clear of pest control companies that solely rely on "pesticides & repellant" treatments when it comes to rat problems. This is due to the common mistake made by these operators in approaching rat infestations as if they were insect problems, which can lead to ineffective and potentially harmful solutions. NOTICE: These pest control companies like to keep you paying monthly, quarterly, annually, or for a lifetime, never really solving the problem at hand. They keep you paying with never-ending, trapping campaigns, or poison programs. Rats are Animals Not Bugs. Repellant Tactics Do Not Work and who wants “Dead Rats” showing up everywhere (walls, attic, yard, etc.) That’s not very sanitary.
We regularly receive calls about "Dead Rats" in people's properties (attics, walls, etc.). Most often, these calls are received because customers made the mistake of going with an inexperienced pest control company that had used poisons. When poisons are used for rat control, the rats are obviously going to die somewhere. Centex Wildlife Control regularly has to remove dead rats from properties in some cases having to cut out walls, and or depreciate attic insulation in the process. Avoid inexperienced pest control companies, let them stick to the bugs and Centex Wildlife Control will take care of the animals.
Rat/Mice Removal & Solutions Spicewood, TXCentex Wildlife Control removes mice and rats from properties through humane or lethal trapping. We can determine through a site evaluation how many mice and or rats are present on the property. We can provide a permanent solution to your rat or mouse problem by determining the points of entry and sealing them as well as sealing other vulnerable points. We use top-of-the-line materials and All of our work comes with a warranty.
The only way to properly and effectively get rid of a rat or mouse problem is to perform a full property exclusion. Many companies want to place clients on a treatment program that will just have them paying forever. This logic may work with bugs in which pest control companies use pesticides, but rats are animals and should be categorized under wildlife. Centex Wildlife Control avoids silly programs and treatments which are ineffective. We take the problem head-on and do the job right, which is always warranted (unless stated otherwise in the contract). That's right our work is warranted (unless stated otherwise), we remove existing rats/mice, perform a full property exclusion, and if, for some reason, rats/mice return in the warranty time frame, we return at no additional cost to re-address the problems. Our objective is to provide a permanent solution and perform a proper exclusion the first time.
Centex Wildlife Control is professional in performing these full property exclusions for rats/mice, we utilize very expensive and super strong materials to keep rats/mice out permanently. Stay away from the do-it-yourself neighbor, contractor, or other pest companies that use EXPANDABLE FOAM. Expandable foam looks horrible, doesn't work, and is deprecated in this hot Texas sun. Rats can chew through almost anything and consider your property/business their home, so they WILL find other ways in or simply chew through such weak materials.
Rat Feces Are Dangerous And Must Be Removed Spicewood, TX
Attic insulation makes a very cozy home for rats and mice, we regularly come across attics filled with animal rodent droppings and urine. Rats & Mice that gain access to attic spaces use the insulation as nesting material, creating burrows and leaving feces and urine behind as well as the insulation. It may start to smell and, urine spots may start to appear on your ceiling. For a 100% effective rat exclusion with warranty, all feces must be removed since the feces act as a lure for future rats/mice as well as other animals.
RAT & MICE FECES SPICEWOOD, TX Rat & Mice feces are very hazardous, refer to our Dangerous Animal Feces Page. Centex Wildlife Control can also remove all fecal matter as well as any saturated insulation. It is recommended that all insulation be removed and replaced because Rats & Mice create tunnels that we cannot see. There tends to be excessive fecal matter under the removed insulation which is not visible until the top layers are removed. For more information on our fecal matter, and insulation removal procedures refer to our Attic Decontamination Page.
One rat in the house, How to catch rats in my house, Trapping rats outside, Where do rats hide in a house, Roof rat droppings, Caught 12 mice, Rats living in the attic, Rats scratching in the walls, Rats raiding the pantry, Gnawing on electrical wires, Concerns over health risks, Rat Removal & Trapping, Rat Exclusion & Rodent Proofing, Damage Repairs, Rat Removal From Attic, Rat Removal From Walls & Subfloors, Dead Rat Locating & Removal, Rat Waste Removal & Cleanup, Full Attic, Garage, Shed, Etc. CleanOut, Attic Restoration & Insulation Removal Services, Rat Removal Austin, Rat Control Austin, Rodent Removal Service Austin, Rat Trapping Austin, Rodents in Attic, Rodent Proofing, Rodent Removal, Rat Exterminators, Mice Exterminators, Rodent Exterminator Near Me, Travis County Rat Removal, Williamson County Rat Removal, Hays County Rat Removal
Centex Wildlife Control is an Austin-based business specializing in permanent Rat Removal. We "get rats out & we keep them out" Guaranteed. We remove unwanted Rats and perform professional "Exclusions". These exclusions are "guaranteed" to keep rats "out". For our customer's security, Centex Wildlife Control provides Warranties on our repair work upon exclusion completion. (In some extreme cases, warranties may not be provided)
It is highly recommended to steer clear of pest control companies that solely rely on "pesticides & repellant" treatments when it comes to rat problems. This is due to the common mistake made by these operators in approaching rat infestations as if they were insect problems, which can lead to ineffective and potentially harmful solutions. NOTICE: These pest control companies like to keep you paying monthly, quarterly, annually, or for a lifetime, never really solving the problem at hand. They keep you paying with never-ending, trapping campaigns, or poison programs. Rats are Animals Not Bugs. Repellant Tactics Do Not Work and who wants “Dead Rats” showing up everywhere (walls, attic, yard, etc.) That’s not very sanitary.
We regularly receive calls about "Dead Rats" in people's properties (attics, walls, etc.). Most often, these calls are received because customers made the mistake of going with an inexperienced pest control company that had used poisons. When poisons are used for rat control, the rats are obviously going to die somewhere. Centex Wildlife Control regularly has to remove dead rats from properties in some cases having to cut out walls, and or depreciate attic insulation in the process. Avoid inexperienced pest control companies, let them stick to the bugs and Centex Wildlife Control will take care of the animals.
Rat/Mice Removal & Solutions Spicewood, TXCentex Wildlife Control removes mice and rats from properties through humane or lethal trapping. We can determine through a site evaluation how many mice and or rats are present on the property. We can provide a permanent solution to your rat or mouse problem by determining the points of entry and sealing them as well as sealing other vulnerable points. We use top-of-the-line materials and All of our work comes with a warranty.
The only way to properly and effectively get rid of a rat or mouse problem is to perform a full property exclusion. Many companies want to place clients on a treatment program that will just have them paying forever. This logic may work with bugs in which pest control companies use pesticides, but rats are animals and should be categorized under wildlife. Centex Wildlife Control avoids silly programs and treatments which are ineffective. We take the problem head-on and do the job right, which is always warranted (unless stated otherwise in the contract). That's right our work is warranted (unless stated otherwise), we remove existing rats/mice, perform a full property exclusion, and if, for some reason, rats/mice return in the warranty time frame, we return at no additional cost to re-address the problems. Our objective is to provide a permanent solution and perform a proper exclusion the first time.
Centex Wildlife Control is professional in performing these full property exclusions for rats/mice, we utilize very expensive and super strong materials to keep rats/mice out permanently. Stay away from the do-it-yourself neighbor, contractor, or other pest companies that use EXPANDABLE FOAM. Expandable foam looks horrible, doesn't work, and is deprecated in this hot Texas sun. Rats can chew through almost anything and consider your property/business their home, so they WILL find other ways in or simply chew through such weak materials.
Rat Feces Are Dangerous And Must Be Removed Spicewood, TX
Attic insulation makes a very cozy home for rats and mice, we regularly come across attics filled with animal rodent droppings and urine. Rats & Mice that gain access to attic spaces use the insulation as nesting material, creating burrows and leaving feces and urine behind as well as the insulation. It may start to smell and, urine spots may start to appear on your ceiling. For a 100% effective rat exclusion with warranty, all feces must be removed since the feces act as a lure for future rats/mice as well as other animals.
RAT & MICE FECES SPICEWOOD, TX Rat & Mice feces are very hazardous, refer to our Dangerous Animal Feces Page. Centex Wildlife Control can also remove all fecal matter as well as any saturated insulation. It is recommended that all insulation be removed and replaced because Rats & Mice create tunnels that we cannot see. There tends to be excessive fecal matter under the removed insulation which is not visible until the top layers are removed. For more information on our fecal matter, and insulation removal procedures refer to our Attic Decontamination Page.
One rat in the house, How to catch rats in my house, Trapping rats outside, Where do rats hide in a house, Roof rat droppings, Caught 12 mice, Rats living in the attic, Rats scratching in the walls, Rats raiding the pantry, Gnawing on electrical wires, Concerns over health risks, Rat Removal & Trapping, Rat Exclusion & Rodent Proofing, Damage Repairs, Rat Removal From Attic, Rat Removal From Walls & Subfloors, Dead Rat Locating & Removal, Rat Waste Removal & Cleanup, Full Attic, Garage, Shed, Etc. CleanOut, Attic Restoration & Insulation Removal Services, Rat Removal Austin, Rat Control Austin, Rodent Removal Service Austin, Rat Trapping Austin, Rodents in Attic, Rodent Proofing, Rodent Removal, Rat Exterminators, Mice Exterminators, Rodent Exterminator Near Me, Travis County Rat Removal, Williamson County Rat Removal, Hays County Rat Removal